
Start using GPS7000

You successfully registered your gps device for our service!

Let’s now set up your tracker to start using GPS7000 platform.

Click start button below (set up takes about 5 minutes)

Customize Alerts, Notifications, and Reports

Complete this form to configure the alerts, notifications, and reports as per your needs.

Tailor your GPS experience to your specific monitoring requirements.

What is your user email?*
Please enter the email address you used when registering at GPS7000 platform
What device are you setting up?*
Please select the device you are trying to set up.
Do you want to activate Voice Alerts?*
Do you want an Overspeed alert?*
Play when the overspeed alarm is triggered according to the defined value.
Overspeed alarm (mph value)*
Do you want to be alerted when the system detects Fatigue Driving?*
Play 30 minutes before drowsy driving occurs according to the defined value.
Fatigue Driving*
Indicate maximum driving time in minutes (minimun 60 - maximum 600)
Do you need a Rapid Acceleration alert?*
Play when the sudden acceleration alarm is triggered - The threshold for abrupt forward acceleration; 0.009 miles / s2
Do you need a Rapid Deceleration alert?*
Play when the sudden deceleration alarm is triggered - The threshold for abrupt backward acceleration; 0.01 miles / s2
Do you need a Sharp Turn alert?*
Play when sharp turn alarm is triggered - The horizontal acceleration threshold for a sharp-turning vehicle: 0.018 miles / s2 and the threshold of the min. angular velocity for sharp turn 40 deg / s
Do you want to be alerted when the system detects Sharp Lane changes?*
Played when a sharp lane change alarm is triggered - The horizontal acceleration threshold for the lane-changing vehicle 0.012 m/s2, the max. angle for abrupt lane change in 20 degree and trigger minimum speed threshold is the 15 miles / h
Do you want to activate Eco Driving reports?*
How often do you want to receive Eco Driving reports?*
Select a tracking mode configuration*
Indicate the emails where you want to receive the reports.*
Enter up to three recipient's address separated by commas
What time do you want to start tracking your device?*
For how long do you want to track your device?*
Do you want to schedule periodic delivery of route reports?*
How often do you want to receive route reports?*
Indicate the emails where you want to receive the reports.*
Enter up to three recipient's address separated by commas
Do you want to schedule regular delivery of Eco Driving reports?*
How often do you want to receive Eco Driving reports?*
Indicate the emails where you want to receive the reports.*
Enter up to three recipient's address separated by commas
Do you want to activate a speeding alert?*
Play when the speeding alarm is triggered according to the defined value.
Speeding alert (mph value)*
Indicate the emails where you want to receive the speeding alert.*
Enter up to three recipient's address separated by commas
Do you want to activate an offline alert?*
The alert is triggered if the device is detached or disconnected.
Select the disconnection time after which the alert should be triggered*
Indicate the emails where you want to receive the offline alert.*
Enter up to three recipient's address separated by commas
Do you want an Overspeed alert?*
Play when the overspeed alarm is triggered according to the defined value.
Overspeed alarm (mph value)*
Indicate the emails where you want to receive overspeed alerts.*
Enter up to three recipient's address separated by commas
Do you want to activate Trips and Parking reports?*
How often do you want to receive Trips and Parking reports?*
Indicate the emails where you want to receive trips and parking reports.*
Enter up to three recipient's address separated by commas
Do you want to activate Eco Driving reports?*
How often do you want to receive Eco Driving reports?*
Indicate the emails where you want to receive ecodriving reports.*
Enter up to three recipient's address separated by commas

Install your tracker

Once you have set up your tracker, you can install it in your vehicle. It is very easy! 

Follow the following video instructions.

Start using Platform GPS7000

Use the credentials you received by email to log in to Platform GPS7000.

Our system provides you with a wide range of functionalities to monitor, control and report the activity of your vehicles. 

Follow these tutorials to become a vehicle monitoring expert. 

Ready to start using Platform GPS7000?

Download our app GPS7000 Pro

All your reports and alerts delivered instantly to your mobile, 24/7.

Contact us

In case you have any problems or if you need support, feel free to contact us to help@gps7000.com